(cartoon copyright Nance Thacker 1990)
(Click on cartoon to enlarge)
To Jan, Di, Pam (since we referred to this incidence repeatedly throughout the day) and to the other members of the COUNCIL OF THE SLEEPOVER who couldn't go on our outing today, this cartoon memory is for you.
How lucky I am to have spent a glorious day, the sun was shining and the weather warm with a gentle breeze, 20 years after drawing this cartoon, checking out the town of Jordan: eating, shopping and hanging out with 3 other council members and life-long friends.
Lunch was at Zooma Zooma Cafe where I enjoyed a delicious crab and lobster wrap and a glass of local white unoaked Chardonnay wine!
STITCH a lovely knitting and quilting shop was loaded with delicious yarns in every colour and blend offered at 20% off, we couldn't resist and all came away with materials for our next knitting projects. We soaked in the ambiance of their homey living room/knitting area drinking iced tea and munching cookies. Di isn't a knitter (yet) so I will knit up a scarf for her in exchange for the amber jewellery she gifted me with during her impromptu "give away" earlier this morning (Sat morning). And, though it felt like it, I'm pretty sure today wasn't my birthday.
The sales ladies at SANTA-FE LIFESTYLES stayed w-a-a-a-y beyond closing time, indulging us, as we tried on pretty much every item in the store, mixing and matching tops, scarves, necklaces and shoes. They pulled out their smallest sizes for me, which to my surprise fit! So today instead of CD's or books (consolation purchases I usually resort to when I find everything's usually too big) - I came home with a sheer jacket.
We ended the outing at the local ice cream shop called Toute Sweet— where they blend your choice of ice cream with any number of chopped up treats ranging from baked goods to chocolate bars, nuts or fruit, although I enjoyed my choice of delicate honey lavender ice cream, unadorned.
There was no sleep over tonight, we will save that for another time, as we all had to scatter in our different directions tomorrow, but we reminisced about that gathering 20 years ago and talked about family and the future over a cup of coffee at Di's before heading out.
Thanks Di, for being our gracious hostess and chauffeur and showing us the local delights. Thanks Jan and Pam for the lift and the pleasure of your company too! And, thanks to the powers that be for blessing me with these wonderful friends. I wish you all have such good fortune.
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