Friday, July 2, 2010

MONTREAL Je t'aime - part I of III

Last Sunday Rod and I were hanging out with our friends Kathy and Jim and their son Chris on Mount Royal in Montreal taking in the "tam tams" as Kathy calls it. We got there around 2pm and the festivities were in full swing. People were gathered in groups scattered around a square playing drums of all kinds. Although there were other instruments present in some of the rag-tag bands, the focus was on the beat of the heart of mother earth. For hours on end a steady driving rhythm pervaded the airwaves enticing you (well OK, me and a few hundred others) to dance, sing, hoot, and clap or simply soak in the atmosphere from a distance.

People playing, dancing, singing and just enjoying the scene.

This happens every Sunday, weather permitting during the summer and is an event not to be missed! We brought a picnic and found a nice place under some trees to act as a home base from which to take in all the activities around us and people watch. Rod said it was like a flashback to the '60's, but I felt it offered the freedom and opportunity for people of all ages to play un-self-consciously; such a rarity these days. As you know, I'm big on playing so this is one of the many reasons why I feel totally at home here. There is a gaiety and abandon that is embraced in this fantastic city that I have not found in Ontario.
Around the perimeter of the statue vendors sell their wares.
Notice the curious man considering his next purchase.

Curious man, having made his purchase,
heads home after a day of fun and sun in the park with the "tam tams".
And here is our memento, all cheery and whimsical, at home in our little back garden.
Notice the rainbow effect on the lense?
It makes the picture look like an action shot;
as if the whirly gig is spinning, smokin' fast.
It's not, the air was still yesterday.
Just like me as I try and "land" and take hold of my everyday life once more after 8 days in glorious Montreal.

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